8 Ways to Save Money Now!
Let's walk through 8 things you can do to save money ASAP.
- Rebid auto, renters or homeowners insurance. This is especially helpful if you've been with the same company for years.
- Combine auto, renters or homeowners insurance policies. Bundling often gives you a discount.
- Apply safe driving enabled apps/tools. These are often available from your auto insurer and can potentially lower your premium.
- Cut cable or aggressively negotiate your package. If you’re negotiating, tell the representative that you’re looking to cancel because the service is too expensive for you.
- Pause subscriptions. See which ones you don’t miss and cancel them (this goes for TV, movies, apps on your phone, boxes delivered to your home, etc).
- Establish an online shopping “buy day.” Put items in various online carts, review those items on a specified day each month, and only buy what you need and/or what you’ve continuously thought about since putting that item in your cart (often you’ll receive coupons for items left in your cart).
- Focus on frequency. If you struggle with online shopping, grocery store visits, and/or dining out (or food delivery) determine the amount of times you do that certain activity each week and decrease that frequency by one occurrence each week.
- Use employee discount programs. Many employers offer discounts on everything from cell phone plans to auto, renters and home insurance; don't let these discounts go to waste.