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Pro Tips for Open Enrollment

An employee discusses open enrollment options with an HR professional.

When preparing for open enrollment, HR professionals are tasked with the heavy burden of communicating benefits details and answering questions that employees may have. There is a lot at stake, since studies show that 76% of employees who understand their benefits are happy (compared to only 47% of those who don’t). With that in mind, how can you design an open enrollment process that will help your employees see the value of their benefits, and feel more confident in their future at your organization?

We’ve rounded up a few dos and don’ts to help you plan for the best open enrollment season yet. Want even more support? Download the full article here.


1. Consider last year’s results.

If possible, survey your employees. What did they like about last year’s benefits? What would they change? The best way to be successful is to listen to what your employees want. 

2. Overcommunicate!

As a general rule of thumb, you should start communicating several weeks in advance of open enrollment, with all the information your employees need to take action.

3. Make it fun!

Add in a game to keep people interested and add a little spice to what is otherwise a boring process. Try a “myth-busting” game during info sessions. Present common myths about benefits and have employees answer true or false. Don’t forget to have a prize!


1. Use jargon or text-heavy messaging.

Keep communications concise with a clear call to action. Don’t boast about how great your benefits are: explain how they were selected to care for your employees and their families. 

2. Try to include every possible scenario in each communication.

Don’t focus on edge cases: tailor your content to reach 80% of your audience, and then include links with resources to help the rest.

3. Cram an entire year’s worth of benefits education into one month.

You have a whole year: use it to educate your employees on best practices when it comes to primary care, in-network providers, screenings, etc., so during open enrollment you can focus on your priority: helping employees choose benefits that will improve their lives and support their families.

Want more tips? Download our full article for more ideas!