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Generations: Helping Boomers Save for Retirement

An older couple go for a run together to maintain their fitness in retirement.

It’s no secret that generationally there are huge distinctions in how people learn and how they prefer to receive information. In this blog, we’ll zero in on the Boomer generation (1946-1964) and provide practical tips for how to engage this population. This group is in the late stages of their career and thinking a lot about the future. How do they prefer to learn? How do they prefer to receive communications? How do they think about their savings strategy and income in retirement? We’re taking a serious look (no “Ok, Boomer” jokes here) at what really makes this generation tick, especially when it comes to managing finances. 

Not Strangers in a Digital World

This generation can often be stereotyped incorrectly as “backward” technologically, as they are typically the oldest employees on a given team. On the contrary, 83% of adults between 50-64 use a smartphone. According to one study, they spend something like 27 hours online a week. Because of this, it’s important not to overlook Boomers online when thinking about how best to communicate with them. 

Still…An In-Person Experience is Best

That being said, most research shows that Boomers still prefer face-to-face learning opportunities and may prefer to learn from an authority figure. They favor verbal instruction, open discussion, question and answer sessions, and concise, factual reading materials. To reach Boomers, an in-person class or meeting will probably go a long way.

Top Concerns

Their top concerns include saving enough for a comfortable retirement, how to make income last, the possibility of early retirement, how to catch up if they’re behind, estate planning, how to set up a trust, when to sign up for Medicare, and when to collect Social Security. It's also important to note that many Boomers may prefer to continue working into retirement, even if they have sufficient savings, because they long for the social connection and purpose it brings. Keep this in mind when crafting messaging for this generation.

Messaging Do’s and Don’ts

When you are using digital mediums, make sure you pay attention to your tone, as it will greatly impact how Boomers interact with your message. Be sure to maintain a somewhat formal tone, avoiding slang and abbreviations. When posting on social media, don’t use hashtags, as Boomers may not be familiar with how they work. Be straightforward in your messaging and say what you mean upfront. Avoid anything that sounds like clickbait, as this generation tends to be suspicious. You can experiment with lengthier messages because Boomers tend to have a longer attention span and will spend more time reading content.

Want to read more about generational differences? Click here to read our full article